Unfortunately every time I travel to my favorite shopping cities across the country, I always find that at least one business has closed since the last time I had visited. This Fall I lost a great little estate sale "shop" in Ohio...a FAB place for jewelry and odds & ends that was always pack to the gills! You know the kind of place where you buy EVERYTHING!! But alas when we returned in our last trip (sniff sniff) the shop had closed with no other explanation.

A Nice Size Haul for the Day!
So imagine my giddiness when I discovered a NEW estate sale shop in the same part of Ohio! Happy Happy Joy Joy! A huge building, furniture outside, digging frenzy, jewelry extravaganza shopping spree!!
Come by this month to check out what newbies we're bringing in, here's a sneak peek of a piece coming Friday 6/4!

The Find of the Day - Way Cool 1970s Chrome and Brown Seating

Hot, Humid, and hazy Flea Market Morning

Two tired shoppers on their way home
What's the moral of this story? Shop Local, Shop Often! Keep your local Mom & Pop business alive!! Support The 3/50 Project - Pick 3, Spend $50, Save your Local Economy!